Andfjord salmon on a crispy baguette with pico de gallo

When chef and director Finn-Erik Rognan dines at restaurants around the world during his travels, he always enjoys the small appetizers served before the meal. Here, he recreates the experience in this dish, which is a tasty bite that combines different cuisines.

"In this dish, I draw inspiration from some of the world's most famous and beloved kitchens. This will be like a little Italian bruschetta on a delicious French baguette along with what is perhaps the world's most famous salsa: Mexican pico de gallo. As the icing on the cake, we also have the best of Norway, namely salmon from Andfjord Salmon, which combines everything in one delicious mouthful. It makes me so happy," says Rognan enthusiastically.

Fry the baguettes in oil to make them crispy

To prepare this dish, Rognan fries slices of baguette in a little oil in the frying pan to get a crispy surface. He then marinates the salmon in lemon and grated, fresh ginger and leaves the ingredients to cool for half an hour. He then makes the famous salsa.

"In this dish, I draw inspiration from some of the world's most famous and beloved kitchens."

"To make a good and authentic pico de gallo salsa, I use ripe tomatoes that I chop and add together with red onion, jalapeno, coriander, and lime juice. They are simple ingredients, but they make an incredibly delicious, acidic, and slightly spicy topping for the salmon," he reveals.

"Everything is now ready for assembly. Put slices of marinated salmon and pico de gallo salsa on top of small slices of baguette. Finally, I top with a good, aged balsamic vinegar," Rognan says, putting a delicious bite in his mouth.

Ingredients & servings

  • Baguette 1 pcs
  • Back loin of Andfjord Salmon 125 g
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • Fresh ginger 1 tsp
  • Red onion 0.25 pcs
  • Ripe cherry tomatoes 3 pcs
  • Finely chopped jalapeno 0.5 tsp
  • Fresh coriander 2 dl
  • Lime juice 2 tbsp
  • Balsamic vinegar 2 tsp
  • Olive oil 2 tbsp

Andfjord Salmon is a Norwegian company established in 2014. The company is listed at Oslo Stock Exchange (ANDF), and located at Kvalnes on the northernmost island of Andøya in Vesterålen, Norway.
