Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Policy

Corporate Governance Policy

Andfjord Salmon’s board of Directors is responsible for ensuring satisfactory corporate governance.

The Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance (the "Code") does not apply on Euronext Growth – Oslo.

However, the company will consider the implications of the Code going forward.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Please read or download Andfjord Salmon – Code of Conduct:


Code of Conduct

Supplier-Specific Compliance Terms

Please read or download Andfjord Salmon – Supplier-Specific Compliance Terms


Supplier-Specific Compliance Terms

Human Rights Policy

Please read or download Andfjord Salmon Human rights policy


Human Rights Policy


Whistleblowing - Notification of Breach

If you are aware or have suspicions concerning any misconduct, said conduct shall immediately be notified to your manager, HR team, or another Andfjord Salmons manager you trust. If you fail to obtain a response to your notification or if you would prefer not to notify any of those identified above, you are urged to notify through Andfjord Salmons whistleblowing channel.

Notifications can be sent anonymously through Andfjord Salmons whistleblowing channel


Andfjord Salmons whistleblowing channel

The whistleblowing channel is open for all employees and non-employees to notify of a concern of misconduct. All notifications to this whistleblowing channel are treated with strict confidentiality. 

Article of Association

Download the Articles of Association - in both English and Norwegian - from this link:


Articles of association

General Meetings

The annual general meeting (“AGM”) is Andfjord Salmon’s highest governing body, in which shareholders exercise their influence in the company.

The AGM shall be held within six months after the end of the fiscal year. The notice for a general meeting, with reference to or attached support information on the resolutions to be considered at the meeting, shall as a principal rule be sent to shareholders no later than 7 days prior to the date of the general meeting.

Extraordinary general meetings are convened if necessary, according to the Articles of Association, the Companies Act or if claimed by all the shareholders.

The following decisions are made at the AGM:

  • Election of members to the board of directors

  • Approval of the annual accounts and the board of directors’ report for the previous financial year

  • Determination of remuneration to the board of directors

  • Election of members and determination of remuneration to the members of the nomination committee

  • Election of the external auditor and the auditor’s remuneration

Notice of the meeting is sent to all shareholders individually, or to their depository banks. All shareholders are entitled to submit items to the agenda, meet, speak and vote at general meetings.

Minutes from latest general meetings

Board of Directors

Roger Brynjulf Mosand

Chairman of the board

Mr Roger Brynjulf Mosand (1953) is chairman of Andfjord Salmon, elected in March 2021. Mosand is a highly experienced CEO from the Norwegian aquaculture industry. He has been the CEO of Nordlaks Produkter AS since 2001 and has multiplied the company's revenues by 15 during this period. He is a Norwegian citizen. As of 1 September 2024, Mosand holds 30,000 shares and 60,000 share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Hanne Digre

Board Member

Ms Hanne Digre (1970) joined Andfjord Salmon’s board of directors in 2024. She is chief of sustainability of aquaculture industry supplier ScaleAQ and has worked with fisheries and aquaculture for more than 25 years. Digre’s key areas of expertise are food quality, fish welfare, stress during harvest, and scientific writing and publishing. She holds no shares or share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Knut Roald Holmøy

Board Member

Mr Knut Roald Holmøy (1972) is the CEO of Holmøy Maritime, owner of Eidsfjord Sjøfarm (vertically integrated salmon farmer producing 15 – 20k tonnes HOG annually) as well as serving on the board of directors in a number of fishing and fish farming related businesses in Northern Norway. He joined the Andfjord Salmon board of directors in 2019. As of 1 September 2024, Holmøy and associated companies own 3,071,759 shares and no share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Gro Skaar Knutsen

Board Member

Ms Gro Skaar Knutsen (1969) is former CEO of PEAB Bjørn Bygg, one of the largest construction companies in Northern Norway. Prior to PEAB, she held a position at Sweco as project consultant and engineer for seven years. Knutsen is a construction and building technology engineer with a degree from UiT Narvik and has also studied project management at UiT and ultra-low-energy building technology at NTNU. She has worked in consulting for 10 years and has experience as a project manager for both owners and developers at PEAB Bjørn Bygg. Skaar Knutsen joined Andfjord Salmon’s board of directors in 2021. As of 1 September 2024, she holds 9,259 shares and no share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Roy Bernt Pettersen

Board Member

Mr Roy Bernt Pettersen (1954) founded Andfjord Salmon in 2014 and has been on the board of directors since, first as chairman and then as director since 2021. He has experience from several companies as chairman and board member, and organisational experience and engagements for collaboration and partnership between seafood companies in Vesterålen, Norway. Educational background from University of Tromsø as fisheries candidate. He has been a CEO in fish farming industry, building up smolt production and land-based fish farming production. As of 23 September 2024, Pettersen and associated companies own 4,858,680 shares and zero share options in the company.

Antonio Serrano

Board Member

Mr António Serrano (1965) is CEO of Jerónimo Martins Agro Alimentar since January 2015, and Professor at the Évora University. He was also Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of the 18th Constitutional Government of Portugal. Serrano joined Andfjord Salmon’s board of directors in 2022. As of 23 September 2024, Serrano and associated companies holds 18,958,855 shares and no share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Kim Strandenæs

Board Member

Mr Kim Strandenæs (1986) is CEO of UFO Holding AS (Union Family Office), UFI AS and UFI Capital AS, focusing on listed companies, private equity and venture capital. He Joined Andfjord Salmon’s board of directors in 2019. Strandenæs has extensive experience from equity sales, derivatives sales and asset management from his former positions in Carnegie AS and Danske Bank. His educational background is from BI Norwegian Business School where he specialised in business finance. As of 1 September 2024, Strandenæs and associated companies hold 2,127,597 shares and zero share options in Andfjord Salmon.

Nomination Committe

The nomination committee is a preparatory and advisory committee for the general meeting, and is regulated by the articles of Association §6.

The general meeting elects the chair and members of the nomination committee and determines its remuneration.

The committee is tasked with submitting the following proposals to the general meeting:

  • Candidates for shareholder-elected chair, members and possibly deputy members for election to the company's board of directors

  • Candidates for members of the nomination committee

  • Remuneration to the members and deputy members of the board

  • Remuneration to the members of the nomination committee

Composition of the nomination committee

Andfjord Salmon’s nomination committee currently consists of the following members, who have been elected for the period 2021 - 2023:

  • Rode S. Rønning-Hansen (chair),, +47 957 43 185

  • Oddvar Fosse

  • Rita Karlsen

Investor Relation Policy

Investor relations (IR) activities in Andfjord Salmon shall contribute to ensure that the information disclosed to participants in the financial markets provides the best possible basis for a correct valuation of the company.

The overall target for the IR activities is to ensure that Andfjord Salmon complies with the laws and regulations that are applicable for a company listed on Merkur Market, including equal treatment of investors. The company's IR activities shall ensure that all participants in the financial markets have simultaneous access to accurate, clear, relevant and complete information about the company's performance and market position, in order to give the financial markets a precise picture of the company's financial position and other factors that may influence value creation in the company.

Correct and proper long-term assessment of the company's shares depends on consistent and credible communication, the creation of well-founded expectations within the financial community - including shareholders, analysts and potential new investors - and consistent fulfilment of any expectations the company has helped to create.

Communication with shareholders

Andfjord Salmon seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial markets. Information is disseminated on the company’s website, through annual and interim reports, company updates, at meetings with investors and analysts, and participation at conferences.

The IR-function in Andfjord Salmon shall ensure continuous, precise and transparent communication with the company's shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders. The investor community is free to contact the company and the investor relations function will normally be the one who has regular contact with these. The investor relations function should facilitate shareholders' and other stakeholders' opportunity to provide direct input and discuss specific issues, always having due regard to the aim of ensuring equal and simultaneous information to the financial markets.

Relevant information about the company shall be published on the company's corporate website and through Oslo Børs' website

Silent period

Investor and analyst meetings will, as a main rule, not be held in the three last weeks prior to the publication of financial reports. In the same period the company shall furthermore not provide comments to the press or others regarding the company's results and prospects.

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Andfjord Salmon is a Norwegian company established in 2014. The company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ANDF), and based in Kvalnes on the northernmost island of Andøya in Vesterålen, Norway.
